wolffreie zone

commissioned work

„Wolffreie Zone“ is a stop-motion music video created for „Von Seiten der Gemeinde,“ which explores the controversial topic of the return of wolves to Austria’s forests and rural regions. The video and track take a satirical approach and do not take any sides or present a solution to the ongoing debate. Instead, it is a commentary on how politicians fail to achieve consensus and instead scare the community about anything that crosses the border, whether it’s animals or humans.

The project involved about 6,000 pictures at 24 frames per second, approximately 30 fully animate-able puppets, seven set builds, numerous props, and eight people who were directly involved in the production, with many others helping out. The project took one month of planning, 2.5 months of production, and one month of post-production.

This project, which I was primarily responsible for, brought together a group of skilled and talented individuals and led to the founding of Fat Green Studios in 2021.

Leonhard -eys- Kotschy © 2025 · All rights reserved. Impressum